About KU Graduate Study in Neurosciences
Neuroscience is a truly multidisciplinary research field.
- The KU neuroscience program is a degree-granting program. Students are admitted directly into the program.
- The program is coordinated by the Lawrence campus of the university (KU) - with strengths in the behavioral, biological, chemical, and pharmaceutical sciences - and the Medical Center campus in Kansas City (KUMC) - with strengths in all the biomedical and clinical sciences.
- Students are asked to indicate the campus on which they would like to be considered for admission.
- Students in this program should expect to receive a Ph.D. degree in neurosciences.
- Students take advantage of the many research and training opportunities available at two campuses of a major research university.
- Students can look forward to personal development in an atmosphere that fosters strong collaborative activities as well as independent scholarship.
- The program appeals to students who want to teach and/or do research in a university or do research in a pharmaceutical/ biotechnology company or government laboratory.
- Students who are interested in this field wish to work out individual programs spanning a great breadth from molecular and cellular neurobiology to organism-based neurophysiology, behavioral neurobiology and cognitive neuroscience.
- If this type of program fits your professional training expectations, we invite you to join us.